Whatever happened to Nick Clegg?

Nick Clegg, that bloke who nobody had heard of until 2009 when he found his way onto our screens with the big fish, Cameron and Brown. Then, as if by magic, everybody loved him because we all agreed with Nick. Top of the popularity parade, big policies! No tuition fees? Yes please. He wormed his way into government with David Cameron. Whilst the parties they represent seem far so different. Liberals should want new and liberating social change whereas the traditional values of the Conservative party don’t seem to go together. They U-turned and they U-turned all of the policies people wanted. Families, the economy, education, even those tuition fees which secured the Liberals an increased vote from students. The Liberals have become just another branch of the Tory party.

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OMG Ed Mili!

Ed Mili has finally grown a pair! I must admit, he made a bold move. After listening to him on Tuesday when he said that the Labour Party would support intervention in Syria if it “was legal”, I thought “right…we’re in.” But no! Mili shocks us all by proposing an amendment to the government’s resolution.

The debate started in the Commons yesterday at 2.30 pm and ended very late into the evening when my BBC app alerted me that the Commons had voted; no! The government motion was defeated 285 to 272, a majority of 13 votes!

Mr Miliband has certainly up-graded himself within the Labour Party. As a member of the Party I received an email explaining the amendment put forward and I honestly got really excited for British politics. Historians last night were debating whether the last time a PM was defeated on a matter of peace and war was 1782 or 1855- either way it was a very long time ago! Not only was it an embarrassing defeat, but the fact that Cameron didn’t get full support from his own party and the fact that he recalled Parliament further adds to his embarrassment. Poor guy. If only the Commons had voted logically years ago, arguably tens, if not thousands of Arabs would still be alive today.
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